
Colorado PLT offers both in-person and online trainings designed to enhance your teaching skills and increase comfort teaching outdoors – in urban, suburban, or rural environments. Receive multi-disciplinary, hands-on lessons aligned with state standards. Put the materials to use right away in your own classroom, playground, or nature center.

Environmental Justice In-Person Educator Training

Who: Middle, High School, and College Educators
When: August 2nd 9am-3pm
Where: CSU Spur, Denver
What: A healthy environment is something that everyone has the right to. This doesn’t mean a healthy environment is available to everyone. Bring Environmental Justice to life in your teaching! Join PLT for this hands-on educator training where you will gain deeper understanding of Environmental Justice, examine the impact of your identity on student learning, and empower students to take action with culturally responsive teaching
Cost: $25 includes lunch, interpretation services, lesson plans & practice with PLT activities, guest speakers, personal reflection, teambuilding, networking, and resource sharing. Scholarships and travel stipends are available

Looking for something else? Request a training for your area or check out one of the online courses below.  

Online Courses

Not able to attend an in-person workshop? You can access our professional development anytime and anywhere through our online courses